Emergency Shelter
Three Oaks Foundation provides an Emergency Shelter with 16 beds for a stay up to 6 weeks for women and their children who have experienced domestic violence.
Three Oaks Foundation provides an Emergency Shelter with 16 beds for stay up to 6 weeks for women and their children who have experienced domestic violence. The Emergency Shelter, which is located in Belleville, ON is staffed 24/7, 365 days a year offering crisis support services.
Women receive information on rights, options, and available services during their stay. Residents receive assistance with safety planning and referrals to agencies and supports in the community. All services are free and confidential.
- Smoke-Free Residence
The emergency shelter is a smoke-free residence. A designated private and secure outdoor space is available for residents of the shelter for smoking.
- Accessibility
We are committed to providing accessible services at Three Oaks Foundation. Our Emergency Shelter offers a lift so that residents are able to access all levels of the shelter. Also offered is a wheel chair ramp to access the front of the shelter. A TTY machine is available for residents who are deaf or hearing impaired.
- Identification & Cards
Identification and cards include birth certificates, SIN cards, passport, health cards, and driver’s license and financial cards.
- Important Documents
Important documents may include marriage, divorce or custody papers, immigration papers, court orders, and mortgage or lease papers.
- Medications
Ensure you bring all necessary medication with you. If you are unable to access your medication having a list of your medication will be beneficial.
- Personal Belongings
Personal belongings that have importance to you and your accompanying children include essential items such as photographs or other items of sentimental value.